Azienda Agricola Nardotto e Capello
A selection of orchids and growing supplies are offered for sale. Camporosso, Liguria, Italy.
A commercial grower who produces orchids for the European market. Established 1977. Albenga, Liguria, Italy.
An array of growing supplies are available for orchid enthusiasts. Fucecchio, Toscana, Italy.
An assortment of orchid genera are grown and offered for sale. Established 1988. Nave San Rocco, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy.
Orchids and growing supplies are offered with an emphasis on Vanda, Cattleya, and Neofinetia. San Giuliano Terme, Toscana, Italy.
A nursery carrying tropical orchids and growing supplies for sale. Roccastrada, Toscana, Italy.
Selection of orchid species and hybrids offered for sale. Casciago, Lombardia, Italy.
Nursery offering a selection of larger-sized orchid species and hybrids. Quero, Veneto, Italy.
An orchid nursery with species, hybrids, courses, and growing supplies available. Gioele Porrini. Varese, Lombardia, Italy.