




Orchids in Italy

Abruzzo (1)
Campania (2)
Emilia-Romagna (2)
Lazio (4)
Liguria (2)
Lombardia (4)
Marche (2)
Puglia (1)
Sicilia (2)
Toscana (4)
Trentino-Alto Adige (4)
Umbria (1)
Veneto (6)
Multi-Region (4)






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Gruppo Italiano per la Ricerca sulle Orchidee Spontanee

  Gruppo Italiano per la Ricerca sulle Orchidee Spontanee

An association of affliated groups that direct scientific research into the wild orchid populations occurring in the country. Italy.

Associazione Lombarda Amatori Orchidee

  Associazione Lombarda Amatori Orchidee

An organization that promotes orchid cultivation, propagation, and conservation while providing social opportunities. Varese, Lombardia, Italy.

Associazione Emiliano Romagola Amici delle Orchidee

  Associazione Emiliano Romagola Amici delle Orchidee

Members share a passion for orchids and enjoy gathering to share their experiences. Founded 1978. Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy.

Enrico Vincenzo Orchidee

  Enrico Vincenzo Orchidee

A commercial grower who produces orchids for the European market. Established 1977. Albenga, Liguria, Italy.

Associazione Laziale Orchidee

  Associazione Laziale Orchidee

Orchid enthusiasts who enjoy gathering for meetings and other activities. Founded 1978. Rome, Italy.

Azienda Agricola Nardotto e Capello

  Azienda Agricola Nardotto e Capello

A selection of orchids and growing supplies are offered for sale. Camporosso, Liguria, Italy.



Orchid information with a lively discussion forum. Giulio Farinelli. Toscana, Italy.



Orchid news, culture, events, and other topics are covered in blog format. Guido De Vidi. Breda di Piave, Veneto, Italy.

Varesina Orchidee

  Varesina Orchidee

An orchid nursery with species, hybrids, courses, and growing supplies available. Gioele Porrini. Varese, Lombardia, Italy.

Associazione Italiana di Orchidologia

  Associazione Italiana di Orchidologia

Aiming to increase and disseminate knowledge and interest in orchids. Rome, Italy.



A conservation project endeavouring to help slow the decline of orchid species with a focus on northern Italy and the Czech Republic. Italy.

Federazione Italiana Orchidee

  Federazione Italiana Orchidee

Orchid federation uniting Italian amateurs, professionals, and enthusiasts. Villa Brandolini d'Adda, Veneto, Italy.

Orchideria di Morosolo

  Orchideria di Morosolo

Selection of orchid species and hybrids offered for sale. Casciago, Lombardia, Italy.

Valle delle Orchidee

  Valle delle Orchidee

Information about nature trails in the Campania region where many wild orchids are found. Campania, Italy.

Floricoltura Piazzera

  Floricoltura Piazzera

An assortment of orchid genera are grown and offered for sale. Established 1988. Nave San Rocco, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy.

Zanatta Alberto

  Zanatta Alberto

Selection of orchid species and hybrids offered. Established 2014. Alberto Zanatta. Treviso, Veneto, Italy.

Wikipedia - Italian

  Wikipedia - Italian

Italian language edition of Wikipedia focusing on the orchid plant family.



Nursery offering a selection of larger-sized orchid species and hybrids. Quero, Veneto, Italy.

Orchidee, ti racconto...

  Orchidee, ti racconto...

Topics include orchid descriptions, taxonomy, environmental requirements, and orchidariums. Italy.

I Miei Dendrobium al Pincio

  I Miei Dendrobium al Pincio

Dendrobium information with images of the author's own plants. Ancona, Marche, Italy.



Orchid news, cultivation tips, and experiments. Multiple contributors. Italy.

Hortus Orchis

  Hortus Orchis

Protecting and promoting the private orchid collection known as Hortus Orchis. Lombardia, Italy.



An array of growing supplies are available for orchid enthusiasts. Fucecchio, Toscana, Italy.



The orchid information presented includes taxonomy, distribution, culture, and images. Alberto Ghedin. Veneto, Italy.

Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia

  Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia

Association dedicated to the study, cultivation, and pampering of orchids. Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy.

Freunde der Orchideen in Südtirol

  Freunde der Orchideen in Südtirol

Growers who enjoy promoting orchid science and meeting others who share similar interests. Founded 2004. Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy.

Associazione Orchidofili Centro Italia

  Associazione Orchidofili Centro Italia

A group of people deepening their knowledge of orchids while sharing a common interest. Treglio, Abruzzo, Italy.

Giulio Celandroni Orchidee

  Giulio Celandroni Orchidee

Orchids and growing supplies are offered with an emphasis on Vanda, Cattleya, and Neofinetia. San Giuliano Terme, Toscana, Italy.

Orchidando Shop

  Orchidando Shop

A nursery carrying tropical orchids and growing supplies for sale. Roccastrada, Toscana, Italy.

Orchidee del Gargano

  Orchidee del Gargano

Articles, images, events, and other information about the wild orchids found in the Gargano region. Angela Rossini and John Quitadamo. Puglia, Italy.

G.I.R.O.S. Forum

  G.I.R.O.S. Forum

Discussion forum focusing on topics related to indigenous orchid populations occurring in Europe. Italy.

Orchidee di Gianantonio Torelli

  Orchidee di Gianantonio Torelli

Information on orchid botany, taxonomy, and cultivation. Gianantonio Torelli. Borgo Valsugana, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy.

Mostra Mercato - Giardino Jacquard

  Mostra Mercato - Giardino Jacquard

Annual international orchid event held in a historical setting. Started 2005. Schio, Veneto, Italy.

Amici Collezionisti Orchidee

  Amici Collezionisti Orchidee

Orchid enthusiasts who share their growing experiences with others. Italy.

Non solo Orchidee

  Non solo Orchidee

Images and other information about imported and native orchids. Gianni Ferretti. Rome, Italy.

Italia Felix

  Italia Felix

European nature images with numerous images of orchids with descriptions. J.M.I. Klaver. Marche, Italy

Orchidee di Cava Grande del Cassibile

  Orchidee di Cava Grande del Cassibile

Wild orchids found in the Iblea area and in particular the reserve of Cava Grande del Cassibile. Sicilia, Italy.

Orchidaceae dei M.ti Picentini

  Orchidaceae dei M.ti Picentini

Images of native orchids occurring in the area. Bruno Pisapia. Monti Picentini, Italy.

Giovanni Spagnoli

  Giovanni Spagnoli

Website for Giovanni Spagnoli, an orchid researcher and one of the founding members of GIROS. Amelia, Umbria, Italy.

Gruppo Ricerca Orchidee Spontanee  Sezione dell' Etruria  Meridionale

  Gruppo Ricerca Orchidee Spontanee Sezione dell' Etruria Meridionale

Information about orchids observed in the central part of the country. Italy.

Associazione Trentino Orchidee

  Associazione Trentino Orchidee

Orchid growers meet regularly to discuss and learn more about their favourite plants. Founded 2008. Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy.

Orchidee della Sicilia Occidentale

  Orchidee della Sicilia Occidentale

An introduction to the orchids of western Sicily. Trapani, Italy.