Website for Giovanni Spagnoli, an orchid researcher and one of the founding members of GIROS. Amelia, Umbria, Italy.
Dendrobium information with images of the author's own plants. Ancona, Marche, Italy.
European nature images with numerous images of orchids with descriptions. J.M.I. Klaver. Marche, Italy
A conservation project endeavouring to help slow the decline of orchid species with a focus on northern Italy and the Czech Republic. Italy.
Mostra Mercato - Giardino Jacquard
Annual international orchid event held in a historical setting. Started 2005. Schio, Veneto, Italy.
Images and other information about imported and native orchids. Gianni Ferretti. Rome, Italy.
Orchidaceae dei M.ti Picentini
Images of native orchids occurring in the area. Bruno Pisapia. Monti Picentini, Italy.
The orchid information presented includes taxonomy, distribution, culture, and images. Alberto Ghedin. Veneto, Italy.
Articles, images, events, and other information about the wild orchids found in the Gargano region. Angela Rossini and John Quitadamo. Puglia, Italy.
Orchidee della Sicilia Occidentale
An introduction to the orchids of western Sicily. Trapani, Italy.
Orchidee di Cava Grande del Cassibile
Wild orchids found in the Iblea area and in particular the reserve of Cava Grande del Cassibile. Sicilia, Italy.
Orchidee di Gianantonio Torelli
Information on orchid botany, taxonomy, and cultivation. Gianantonio Torelli. Borgo Valsugana, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy.
Topics include orchid descriptions, taxonomy, environmental requirements, and orchidariums. Italy.
Orchid news, culture, events, and other topics are covered in blog format. Guido De Vidi. Breda di Piave, Veneto, Italy.
Information about nature trails in the Campania region where many wild orchids are found. Campania, Italy.