Software for Windows computers with information on over 170,000 orchid hybrids and around 33,000 species. Louisville, Colorado, United States.
Orchid database software for managing your plants. Compatible with Windows computers. Joe Bugeja. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
IOS app that allows orchid growers to track their collections and wish lists in a database.
Application for organizing your orchids on a Mac computer. Andrew Nicolle. United States.
Boutique vendor specializing in coerulea Phalaenopsis and a database for managing orchid information. Rob Shepherd. Santa Clarita, California, United States.
A series of films about finding orchids in their native habitats are available on DVD. Stig Dalström and Darryl Saffer. Sarasota, Florida, United States.
Windows-based orchid database for looking up orchid hybrids. Ames, Iowa, United States.
"Orchid Growing Basics" DVD available. Brian Petraska. Oakland, California, United States.
Windows application for organizing your orchids on your PC. Andrew Nicolle. United States.