




Other Orchid Resources in Australia






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Caladenia: Orchids of Southern Australia

  Caladenia: Orchids of Southern Australia

Images of native terrestrial orchids from several genera. Pascal Pernot and E. Delannoy. Western and South Australia.



Blog with posts on Cymbidiums and other topics. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.



An enthusiastic Coelogyne breeder provides information about the orchid genus. Kevin Dawes. Kirribilli (Sydney suburb), New South Wales, Australia.

Cymbidium Species

  Cymbidium Species

Cymbidium species list with culture notes, images, and habitat/distribution information. Stephen Early. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Essence of Stanhopea

  Essence of Stanhopea

Grower, photographer, and promoter of the orchid genus Stanhopea. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Gallery of South Australian Orchids

  Gallery of South Australian Orchids

Featuring images of wild orchids found in the region. South Australia, Australia.

Goto Orchids

  Goto Orchids

The journey to growing a grand champion orchid and information about central coast orchid events. New South Wales, Australia.

Heritage Bushcare

  Heritage Bushcare

Conserving the remnant native vegetation found around Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills area. South Australia, Australia.

Hughes Cattleyas

  Hughes Cattleyas

Orchid culture information concentrating on the genus Cattleya. John Hughes. Bundaberg, Queenland, Australia.

Marcy ***

  Marcy ***

Orchid cultivation in Australia is shown in Russian language videos. Australia.

MaX's Orchid House

  MaX's Orchid House

An artist writes about orchids and other interesting topics in his blog. Max Fulcher. Queensland, Australia.

My Orchids Journal

  My Orchids Journal

Home orchid grower blog covering a range of topics. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Nat's Orchids

  Nat's Orchids

Sharing their home orchid growing hobby with articles, images, and videos. Red Hill, Queensland, Australia.

Native Orchids and Walks of Australia

  Native Orchids and Walks of Australia

Images and information on the native orchids of Australia. Colin and Mischa Rowan. Melton, Victoria, Australia.

Orchid Photographs by Gary Yong Gee

  Orchid Photographs by Gary Yong Gee

Long-time orchid photographer with over 5,000 images of around 2,000 species on his site. Gary Yong Gee. Carina (Brisbane suburb), Queensland, Australia.



Focusing on the orchids found in South Australia with several topics covered by multiple contributors. South Australia, Australia.

Orchids of Australia

  Orchids of Australia

Images of Australian native orchids, not necessarily identified or in flower.

Orchie Dee

  Orchie Dee

Orchid growing on the east coast is demonstrated in videos. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Phalaenopsis Spot

  Phalaenopsis Spot

A blog for Phalaenopsis orchid enthusiasts with information about in vitro micropropagation and flasking. David Vaughan. Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia.

Queensland Orchid International

  Queensland Orchid International

Mix of various types of orchid information. Queensland, Australia.

Stanhopea Guy

  Stanhopea Guy

Blog focusing on the genus Stanhopea with images of many species. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Wild Orchid Adventures

  Wild Orchid Adventures

Exploring Australia in search of wild orchids and explaining the need for their habitat protection. Australia.

Wild Orchid Watch

  Wild Orchid Watch

A national native orchid research project utilizing an app and website for enthusiasts to share information. Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.