A group featuring over 19,000 images of the 50 to 60 orchid species that grow in the British Isles.
An image gallery of the native orchids occurring in Hungary. Csábi Miklós. Hungary.
Showcasing, through images and descriptions, the beauty and diversity of European orchids. Ivar Edvinsen. Sweden.
Frank Nature: European Orchids Photographed
General information, field reports, and images of orchids from around Europe. Frank Verhart. Bemelen, Limburg, Netherlands.
European orchid information including images, pollination, travel reports, and natural hybrids. Gunther Blaich. Weinheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Instructions on how to propagate and grow hardy orchids in a European climate. Anders R. Johnsen. Denmark.
European nature images with numerous images of orchids with descriptions. J.M.I. Klaver. Marche, Italy
Exploring Europe to search for orchids is documented in images and words. Peter Zschunke. Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany.
Images and other information about native orchids occurring in the Lorraine region and elsewhere. Paul Montagne. Grand Est, France.
Orchid images with some species found in Arizona. Prescott, Arizona, United States.
Nicolas Helitas - Nature Photographer
Featuring images of multiple orchid genera occurring in Europe. Nicolas Helitas. Montier-en-Der, Grand Est, France.
Images of orchid species found in northern Europe. Markku Könkkölä. Finland.
Information, including images, about the native orchids of Europe. Jean-Marc Moingeon. Goux les Usiers, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France.
Devoted to the orchids of Europe, with an emphasis on photography. Pierre Delforge. Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Flanders, Belgium.
Orchids occurring in the Hautes-Alpes department are presented in images, maps, and descriptions. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France.
Details about the orchid species and natural hybrids occurring in France. Philippe Durbin. Villeurbanne, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.
European and North American native orchid information including images, descriptions, and distribution maps. Jean-Luc and Elisabeth. France.
Information about the department's native orchid species populations and their habitats. Gironde, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.
Research reports on Neottia ovata and Epipactis helleborine subsp. neerlandica. Dirk Kapteyn den Boumeester. Netherlands.
Information focusing on frost-resistant terrestrial orchids, especially Cypripediums. Wolfgang Leverberg. Remscheid, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Images and descriptions of native terrestrial orchids, and the habitats they live in. Greece.
An interactive guide, with descriptions and images, to the native orchids of Wisconsin. Jeffrey R. Hapeman. UW-Madison, Wisconsin, United States.
Images and other information, including a book, about the native orchids found in the region of Bela Krajina. Slovakia
Project seeking to increase knowledge about the naturally occurring orchids of Extremadura. Spain.