




Other Bulbophyllum Resources






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Images of identified Bulbophyllum species and hybrids.

Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia

  Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia

Information on over 23,000 orchid species in over 850 genera. Jay Pfahl (and many others). Key West, Florida, United States.

My Green Pets

  My Green Pets

Video chats with other orchid growers and cultural information. William Green. Colorado, United States.

Orchid Trekker

  Orchid Trekker

Orchid species images primarily of Phalaenopsis and Bulbophyllums in Malaysia.

Orchids in a Closet

  Orchids in a Closet

The ins and outs of growing orchids in a closet. Saskatchewan, Canada.

Orchids of India

  Orchids of India

Group dedicated to images of native orchid species found in India.

Orchids of Madagascar ...

  Orchids of Madagascar ...

Images of orchids found in Madagascar, Comoro Islands, Reunion, Mauritius, and Zanzibar.

Orquídeas Blog de Angel Mar

  Orquídeas Blog de Angel Mar

Blog posts focus on diverse orchid topics from culture to specific species details. Spain.

Orquídeas do Rio Grande do Sul

  Orquídeas do Rio Grande do Sul

Descriptions and images of the orchid species occurring in south Brazil. Luiz Filipe Varella and Jacques Klein. Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

PNG Orchids

  PNG Orchids

Images of wild orchids in Papua New Guinea. Nicole and Robert Westerveld. Papua New Guinea.

Wild Orchids in Sumatra

  Wild Orchids in Sumatra

Information about the orchid species occurring on the island of Sumatra. Tun Jang. Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau, Indonesia.