Orchid Club of South Australia
Advancing orchid appreciation, cultivation, and preservation. Founded 1939. Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
A national native orchid research project utilizing an app and website for enthusiasts to share information. Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
South Australian Orchidaceous Society
Promoting propagation and encouraging scientific and cultural knowledge of all orchids. Founded 1965. Brooklyn Park, South Australia, Australia.
Orchids, tissue culture supplies, and courses are available. Established 1985. Kevin Western. Blackwood, South Australia, Australia.
An organization for coordinating orchid growing across the country and publisher of "Orchids Australia" magazine. Founded 1960. South Australia, Australia.
Native Orchid Society of South Australia
Propagating and conserving native Australian orchids and protecting their habitats. Founded 1977. Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
South Coast Orchid Club of South Australia
Promoting orchid cultivation and conservation while encouraging good fellowship. Founded 1965. St Marys (Sydney suburb), South Australia, Australia.
Specialist in Zygopetalum hybrids and Australian native Dendrobium seedlings. Selling flasks and single plants. Mawson Lakes, South Australia, Australia.
Gallery of South Australian Orchids
Featuring images of wild orchids found in the region. South Australia, Australia.
Conserving the remnant native vegetation found around Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills area. South Australia, Australia.
Orchid nursery specializing in Cymbidium hybrids with other genera also offered. Established 1962. Flinders Park, South Australia, Australia.
Focusing on the orchids found in South Australia with several topics covered by multiple contributors. South Australia, Australia.
Specializing in Zygopetalums with other genera, lab services, and accessories available. Brian Lyttle. Aberfoyle Park, South Australia, Australia.
An orchid nursery specialized in the breeding, culture, and sales of Paphiopedilums. Nick Zurcher. Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
Cymbidium Orchid Club of South Australia
Promoting the growing and showing of Cymbidium orchids. Founded 1988. Tusmore, South Australia, Australia.
Caladenia: Orchids of Southern Australia
Images of native terrestrial orchids from several genera. Pascal Pernot and E. Delannoy. Western and South Australia.
Murray Bridge Districts Orchid Club
Promoting the love of all things orchid. Founded 1975. Murray Bridge, South Australia, Australia.
Organization committed to the natural history, cultivation, development, and hybridization of orchids. Gawler, South Australia, Australia