Société Francaise des Orchidées - Languedoc
Membership details and information about the orchid species found in the area. Occitanie, France.
Groupement Midi Pyrenees des Amateurs d' Orchidees
An organization whose members share the enjoyment of orchids. Toulouse, Occitanie, France.
Species inventory and habitat protection for orchids occurring around Gers. Claire Lemouzy and Jerome Segonds. Occitanie, France.
Société Française d'Orchidophilie - Pyrénées Est
Members map local orchids and work towards protecting all orchids. Toulouges, Occitanie, France.
Offering an assortment of orchid species and hybrids. Established 1989. Frédéric Villanou. Saint-Jory, Occitanie, France.
Flowering times and images of wild orchids occurring in the Restinclieres area. Prades-le-Lez, Occitanie, France.
Distribution and habitat information, based on observations from 1975 to the present, for orchids occurring in the Hérault department. Occitanie, France.