Orchid nursery specializing in carrying a diverse selection of species. Dirk and Diane Bruyninckx - De Langhe. Schoten, Belgium.
Offering a broad spectrum of orchid species, hybrids, and growing supplies. Established 1998. Patrick Clinckart. Petit-Enghien, Wallonia, Belgium.
Orchideeën Vereniging Vlaanderen
Members meet in the five Flemish provinces to share their interest in orchids. Founded 1973. Belgium.
Members are motivated by their passion for orchids, nature, and the enjoyment of being with other enthusiasts. Founded 1983. Brussels, Belgium.
Club des Amateurs Wallons d'Orchidées
An organization that emphasizes openness and welcomes all orchid enthusiasts whatever language they speak. Founded 1999. Liège, Belgium.
Orchideeën Vereniging Antwerpen
A regional group of enthusiasts who enjoy sharing their interest in orchids. Kontich, Antwerp, Belgium.
Orchid nursery specializing in hybrids with species also available for sale. Established 1980. Nalinnes (near Charleroi), Hainaut, Belgium.
An assortment of orchid species, hybrids, and growing supplies are available for purchase. Kontich, Belgium.
Specializing in propagation technologies and the sale of perennial orchids suitable for many European gardens. Tinlot, Liège, Belgium.
Devoted to the orchids of Europe, with an emphasis on photography. Pierre Delforge. Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Flanders, Belgium.
Orchid book reviews and images of European native orchids. Rik Neirynck. Bottelare, East-Flanders, Belgium.
A vendor offering an assortment of orchids and supplies for sale. Established 2016. Gelinden, Belgium.
Brabantse Orchideeën Vereniging
Offering members the opportunity to meet others interested in orchids and to enhance their knowledge. Dilbeek (near Brussels), Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
Specializing in propagating, growing, and selling hardy orchids suitable for many European gardens. Londerzeel, Belgium.
Information about the genus Ophrys, including over 4900 images from across Europe. James Mast de Maeght. Belgium.